Name | Chairs | Description |
5K Race | Willey, Sue and Bob | Annual 5K Race from Trail head to Library |
Audit | Mack, Oliver Lavery, Tom | Reviews financial activities and statements of all accounts maintained by the Club Treasurer twice per fiscal year. Written documentation from this audit is provided to the outside CPA firm who files the Club’s taxes. |
Board of Directors | Merrow, Amy | Meets on 3rd Monday of every month virtually. |
Budget | Willey, Sue | Develops the budgets for the Club, Foundation and Bingo Lucky 7 accounts. The Food Pantry and Scout Troop 292 develop their own budgets with their committees and the Hooksett Kiwanis board approves them. These budgets are developed in August each year for the new year starting in October. Then financials are reported against this new budget during the year. |
Builders Club, Cawley | Charest, Debbie | Service Leadership Builders Club at Cawley Middle School. Club members learn leadership skills as they perform community service projects in their school and community. |
Builders Club, Hillside | Merrow, Amy | Service Leadership Builders Club at Hillside Middle School. Club members learn leadership skills as they perform community service projects in their school and community |
Club Administration | Willey, Sue | Sets up facility for club meeting, manages reservations and works with Tap House restaurant. |
Club Meeting Speakers | Hyde, Carrie | Obtains speakers for club meetings |
Community Leaders Event Planning Committee | | Plans and hosts annual community recognition event. |
Community Service | Mack, Sandra | Oversees all committees related to community service. Evaluates projects referred to committee by board. Makes recommendations for new projects. |
Finance and Fundraising | Willey, Sue | Monitors fund raising for sponsored events for the pending year, sends out solicitation letters, follow up with potential sponsors, develops fund raising brochure and follows up as needed. |
Food pantry | Brennan, Barb | Operates Community Food Pantry at Hooksett Town Offices |
Gaming | Willey, Sue | Works with outside vendor to sponsor gaming events. |
Historical | Bishop, Fred | Maintains club history from when it was chartered in 2000 up to the current year. This includes how our SLP clubs were formed, and the various activities, service projects and fund-raisers we have held over the years. Additionally, to documenting our ongoing projects. |
Hooksett Kiwanis Kids’ Kloset | Howe, Michele Howe, Tim | Hooksett Kiwanis Kids Closet is a program to provide children with donated gently worn clothing. Open House, where families may select clothing, is held on the first Monday of each month from 5:30PM – 7:00PM at the Hooksett Town Offices. |
Hooksett Open Golf Tournament | | Hosts a golf tournament at a local golf course in July of each year. This is a well-attended tournament with many prizes. |
Interclub | Barrett, Judy | Plans periodic visits by Hooksett Kiwanis to other Kiwanis clubs. |
Key Club at Central High School | Merrow, Amy | Supports Central High Key Club in its mission and activities. |
Key Club at Pinkerton | Guide, Sandee | Kiwanis Advisors to the Key Club at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. NH |
Key Club at Trinity High School | Evans, Scott | Kiwanis Advisor for Student Led Program at Trinity High School in Manchester, NH. |
K Kids Hooksett Memorial School | Willey, Bob | Service Leadership for K Kids at Hooksett memorial School. Club members learn leadership skills as they perform community service projects in their school and community. |
Kiwanis One Day | | To provide community service with all clubs nationwide at the same time. |
Membership Development | Merrow, Amy | 1. Contacts absent members. 2. Coordinates periodic membership drives. |
New Member Orientation | Merrow, Amy | Provides orientation program about Kiwanis. Assigns mentor to new members. |
Newsletter | PR Committee | Prepares and distributes monthly club newsletter. |
Public Relations | Willey, Bob | Committee promotes the club locally through the media, the Internet, and by working with other committees. |
Salvation Army Bell Ringing | Rainier, Todd | Bellringing at Wal-Mart during Holiday Season to raise money for the Hooksett Branch of the Salvation Army |
Service Leadership | Merrow, Amy | Oversees and coordinates activities of Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club and Key Leader |
Sunshine | | Prepares greeting cards or get well cards and passing of members and their close relatives. May also purchase remembrance gifts. |
Trails | Pieroni, John | Responsible for Administering the Walking and Biking Trails Project. |
Website | Glisson, Mark | Works with Sue Willey in managing and updating the Kiwanis website. |
Winter Carnival | Bonney, Linda | Plans and hosts winter carnival along with other organizations in the Town of Hooksett |
Young Children Priority One | Murtagh, Rebecca | Plans club activities geared toward improving the lives of children, birth to age 5 |
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Last Updated: February 16, 2025 by mglisson
Newsletter | January 2025
Hooksett Kiwanis Committees
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Category: Newsletters Tags: 2025, auction, Beautify Hooksett, Beeze Tees, Distinguished Club, January, Jared Boxes, Kiwanis Amplify, Light up the Village, Pinkerton Academy Key Club, Welcome to Hooksett, winter carnival
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