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Newsletter | April 2024

President’s Message

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“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade.” -Charles Dickens

What does the Kiwanis Club do? Why am I Kiwanian? Why did I join? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Occasionally, these questions cross your mind when you are asked to pay your annual dues, or you are asked to volunteer at one of our events or service projects. The answer to these questions can be summed up best when you consider that your Club supports:

  • The Kids Kloset: 2023, 493 Kids provided with gently worn clothing
  • The Food Pantry: Since 2008, 1,000,000 food items have been distributed.
  • Literacy Program: Over 5000 books distributed to Kids
  • The Heads Pond Trail: Priceless to the Hooksett Community
  • National Night: Appreciation and gratitude to our Hooksett Police Dept
  • Funds to support youth leadership activities at the Hooksett, Central, Pinkerton, Trinity, Hillside schools
  • Support to Boy Scout Troop 292
  • Support to the  Summer YMCA Kids’ program
  • Support to our Veterans
  • Support to our Seniors at the Hackett Hill Home

That’s why you joined Kiwanis. Because without you and your support, Hooksett would be less than the great community it is with Kiwanis. 

And so, my fellow Kiwanians, I’m hanging out the “Help Wanted” sign at Kiwanis. Your Club needs you!

With so many competing tasks and events in your day and workweek,  it is easy to put Kiwanis aside. Please consider the many ways you can provide support to the Club. You can simply attend meetings, become involved with a Club activity such as volunteering to help out with the Community Leaders Event, 5K Trail Race, or National Night Out to name but a few. If you enjoy collaborating with other members to achieve our Club’s mission, then we encourage you to become a board member. If you have other ideas and suggestions to strengthen our Club or to give back to the community, please let us know. 

Thank you for being a Kiwanian! And remember, Kids Need Kiwanis and Kiwanis needs You!

If you haven’t been to a meeting lately, please join us on the 1st (Oscar Barn) and 3rd (Memorial School) Wednesday of the month. See you soon!

And Remember, Kiwanians Pay It Forward!

–President Tim

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