New Members?
Who will sponsor our next new member? September is the last month of the Kiwanis year so anyone joining this month will be asked to pay the very small pro-rated dues for 2023-2024 and also the $115 for the entire year of 2024-2025.
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Sandee Baines
- Ray Banks
- Scott Barnes
- Ray Bonney
- Anne Fichera
- Oliver Mack
- Rebecca Murtagh
- Dave Scarpetti
- Erica Searles
- Megan Tibbetts
- JoCarol Woodburn – 6 Years
- Doris Labbe – 10 Years
- Deb Liester – 24 Years
- Joan MacDonald – 24 Years
- Todd Rainier – 24 Years
- Tom Young – 24 Years
- Georgette Peltak – 33 Years
Thank you all for your membership and service. You will note there are several who are celebrating 24 years as members. That coincides with the fact our club was chartered in September 2000 and these members were Charter Members. Also, you will notice Georgette Peltak has been a member of Kiwanis for 33 years. One might ask how is that possible, if the Club started in 2000. Well she started with Kiwanis with the Manchester Club.
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Last Updated: February 16, 2025 by mglisson
Newsletter | September 2024
New Members?
Who will sponsor our next new member? September is the last month of the Kiwanis year so anyone joining this month will be asked to pay the very small pro-rated dues for 2023-2024 and also the $115 for the entire year of 2024-2025.
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
Thank you all for your membership and service. You will note there are several who are celebrating 24 years as members. That coincides with the fact our club was chartered in September 2000 and these members were Charter Members. Also, you will notice Georgette Peltak has been a member of Kiwanis for 33 years. One might ask how is that possible, if the Club started in 2000. Well she started with Kiwanis with the Manchester Club.
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Category: Newsletters Tags: 2024, 5K Trail Race & Kids Fun, 5K Trail Race & Kids Fun Run, Beeze Tees, National NIght Out, Old Home Day, September
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