Join Kiwanis

Why join Kiwanis?

We believe that children and their communities benefit from the efforts of caring volunteers!

We welcome men and women from all walks of life who have an interest in meeting other Hooksett community leaders and serving our community and its children. Prospective members are welcome to join us for a complimentary dinner at one of our two monthly meetings.  Our contact information is at the bottom of this page.

Two of the most frequently asked questions by those considering Kiwanis membership are:

  • How much time do I commit as a member?
    • Our club meets once a month for dinner meetings.  We meet on Tuesdays one month at Oscar Barn on West River Road and on Wednesdays the next month with our Student Led Programs at Hooksett Memorial School. The Tap House provides a great meal for us for $30. We have an interesting speaker at each of these meetings. The next month when we meet at Memorial School we have varying menus each month. We charge $10 for this student meeting and the food is a little more low key. It is great to see what all six student led groups are doing. They each present to our group at the school. We also have some interesting speakers at these meetings but they are more geared to the student audience.
    • We have no mandatory attendance requirements.  We only ask that members try to attend at least one meeting a month, serve on one club committee and help occasionally with our service projects.
  • How much does membership cost?
    • There is a onetime application fee per member of $25.00.  We charge dues on a pro-rated method based on what Kiwanis International charges us for each new member.  Below is the schedule per month:



If you’re interested in joining, please contact Membership Chair Carrie Hyde at [email protected].

or submit an application | Download here

If you have any questions about Kiwanis membership, please contact us using the form below.

Contact Us

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
PO Box 16443 Hooksett, NH 03106
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Pro-Rated New Member Dues for FY 2024-2025

Monthly pro-rated dues plus the one-time $25 application fee.

Price: $66.00
Price: $25.00

Go to bottom of page for total and payment. ********************************************************

